Портал Last Rites выдал рецензию на наш материал. Чтобы неанглоговорящим было проще ориентироваться, краткая выдержка из гугл-транслэйта:
Треки часто выходят к двузначным минут в поисках, чтобы найти идеальный паз. Вызывание вельможи твои становится ближе, чем большинство, часто звучащий как Джереми Steig веревкой в джем-сейшн с Electric Wizard. Если русский медведь был спячки, когда речь заходит о вашей коллекции, не стесняйтесь, чтобы ткнуть Пьяные сказки с медом пятно палкой.
Sometimes releases we love take a roundabout before reaching our ears. Here we'll highlight recent albums that went five hole.
Sometime during the last few years, we broke the seal on Russian metal exports and a once-insular community started flooding into blogspots and bandcamps. Funeral doom was the revelation, granting us a gander at a subculture left relatively undisturbed and able to follow its uncorrected permutations down some dark-ass rabbit holes. And, of course, the blackened arts continued to make a case for being metal's tadpole genre, showing up in any puddle where kids felt alienated. But, the Russian fringe genres ended up being the best time. Prime example: Evoke Thy Lords takes the death metal-infused sloom of early Ramesses and pulls the trip wire taut on the instrumental bridges. Wrinkle? THERE'S A FLUTE. Now, this isn't Ian Anderson popping out from a bush, clad only in weathered leather. This woodwind acts like a backwards bong hit, touching up a bruising attack with tender textures. Instead of bird calls, it dives into pinch harmonics and power chords, weaving in and out of psych solos. Sure, it's a bit of a gimmick, but this is a genre in need of differentiation, so it gets the green light. Of course, it would mean nothing if the tunes weren't damn solid. Tracks often extend towards double digit minutes in a quest to find the perfect groove. Evoke Thy Lords gets closer than most, often sounding like Jeremy Steig roped into a jam session with Electric Wizard. If the Russian Bear has been hibernating when it comes to your collection, feel free to poke Drunken Tales with a honey-slick stick.
Johann SeBLASTian Bach approved!
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