Forgotten Path Magazine
It is a quite unusual turn in the history of Evoke thy Lords and Russian Death Metal – the band graded from Gothic/Folk Metal to slow, catching Stoner with the sounds of flute and Death Metal growl… Well, I don’t know whether a Russian inclination to declare and escalate the Russian origin or just a sincere and open-hearted Russian spirit allowed Irina Drebuschak to play with the flute in this band further. Indeed, that girl plays really well, but such synthesis of Stoner and stylized Folk seems to be especially peculiar.
The title of the album is pleasantly reflected on the cover where a protective suit (well, I don’t know if there is any fellow who is able to move inside) sits in the bar and drinks beer and maybe something stronger too… By seeing this you immediately envisage the sound of the music – it seems to sound like rude, quite Yankee Stoner with a strong and clear voice, which has been rinsed out with various kinds of whiskey, from “Laphroaig” to “Highland Park”; a psychedelic mood with lots of guitar solos. However, the music resonates with such an image insignificantly and just in the beginning. The band extensively diverges and becomes distant from such an ideal prototype – that is to say, the music blossoms into more diverse colours and because of the inserts of flute it becomes hardly predictable and the vocals make the music deviate to a weird, cold and gloomy world – perhaps Novosibirsk, not the Wild West with the stale grass.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that it is a great Stoner album with tasteful novelties, vice versa, the flute soon starts to make you restive, create allusions to poor hippie Progressive Folk as well as the vocals, which is an intruder here – it heaves everything to the march of Death Metal; and that goes back on the Dionysius’ image of Stoner. What is more, the voice of the girl who plays with the flute reduces the role of Metal in their music…
Thus, “Drunken Tales” are not as drunk as they could be; they seem to be more sugary. That is because of panic flute that is more similar to a romantic dizziness caused by a chalice of wine that had been drunk during the hot summer day in the park rather than a destructive dizziness of willpower. Unfortunately, the vocalist’s voice drowns in the pond of music. Of course, it is not that bad, but surely not every Stoner fan would admire such tastes and spices.
Author: Bloodie
Mroczna Strefa

autor: Diovis
Pest Webzine
Second album from these Russians and my first encounter with their music. At first, during the debut track the band seems to follow quite ordinary Doom Death patterns: heavy sound, low tuned bass lines, lazy, dusty drumming, and repetitive, groovy guitars all supported by an uncomprehensive raspy vocal, but then the flute gets in the way and it all becomes quite spacey and stoner, I can't count how many times I felt into a meditative, lethargic state during the audition, probably that's their intention, too, but except for the flute lines it lacks of originality and it failed in keeping my attention high along the way.
Maybe fans of Stoner Doom will appreciated this much better than I did, after all there's nothing wrong with the sound, with the execution or with the compositions, it just went by me somehow.
Maybe fans of Stoner Doom will appreciated this much better than I did, after all there's nothing wrong with the sound, with the execution or with the compositions, it just went by me somehow.
Reviewed by Adrian
Pro-Rock #104
Завъртях диска и това, което ме удари от тонколоните, бе голяма изне- нада, като дори се зачудих дали това е същата група. Не знам какво се е случило през изминалите пет години с музикантите от Сибир, освен напускането на отговорната за чистите женски вокали Ирина Ловчикова, но в Drunken Tales говорим вече за стоунър/слъдж/дуум метъл с добре втъкани 70-тарски психи- делични нотки. Песните в албума са само пет, но напълно достатъчни, за да ви отнесат с доброто и завладяващото си изпълнение. Нетипични, но пък адски на място, са магическите излияния на флейтистката Ирина, които само добавят позитиви в музиката на руснаците. Изненадващо добър албум, който мисля, че не трябва да пропускате. За фенове на High On Fire, Sleep, Kylesa
Дебютный альбом Evoke Thy Lords 'Escape To The Dreamlands': "He слишком убедительно звучащий и не слишком актуальный готик/дэт/ дум-метал, очень слабенькое сопрано и откровенно вторичный материал в целом". Вот такой стрёмный дебютник у ребят был. Но прошло всего каких-то пять лет - и что мы слышим? Второй альбом этих сибиряков оказался прямо-таки гигантским шагом даже не просто вперёд, но вперёд и одновременно куда-то в сторону! Их стилистику теперь можно охарактеризовать как стоунер/дум-метал с сильной психоделической компонентой и бесспорно оригинальным решением в виде практически перманентно звучащих партий флейты. С ненужными соплями в виде элементов готики и женского вокала было покончено, и Evoke Thy Lord зазвучали исключительно зрело, серьёзно и во многом самобытно. А ещё, на мой взгляд, удачно то, что парни не перегнули палку с длительностью звучания пластинки: 43 минуты, в которые уложились 4 новых композиции и бонус-трэк "Cause Follows Effect", стали оптимальным временем, на протяжении которого вы действительно получаете удовольствие от этого материала.
Лаборатория фантастики
Любителям отечественного стоунера, думаю, стоит продегустировать. Главные отечественные "ктулхианцы" сменили вектор и устремились в космос, выпивать в невесомости и расширять сознание, играя на флейте в скафандре. От дебюта разительно отличается.
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